As part of the Learning for Life Multi Academy Trust, you can expect to recieve support in the very wide range of school life. We work together to ensure that all schools are supported in delivering the very best to our pupils and that we are all ambitious. With our collaborative ethos, we work together as a network to ensure we are all achieveing our aims.
We can look to offer and broker support from some leading and cutting edge practitioners in many areas, these include:
- professional support and challenge, built on strong relationships and mutual respect;
- support for Governor development;
- deep collaboration for improvement both within the classroom and middle and senior leadership positions/responsibilities;
- a rich continuous professional development offer;
- succession planning and talent management;
- peer learning opportunities;
- deep collaboration and co-operation between schools;
- research-informed practice, and practice informed research;
- Supporting Early Career Teachers;
- combined support via the sharing of expertise across the Trust;
And many more. If you would like to contact us we can discuss our approach to support in more detail.