Operations and Finance Support
We operate a resilient and efficient finance and operations system to allow school leaders to focus on their core business. In line with our vision, we support the schools with their strategic financial planning and ensure they are resourced appropriately.
- MAT level Finance and Operations expertise to develop and guide each school’s operational and business processes and systems.
- Credible Estates, Digital, Finance and HR support & advice as required. Finance, Estates, Digital and Workforce strategies for your school.
- HR and Payroll provided by expert providers with consistent and available advice on all relevant matters. Support and training for schools on all HR and Payroll issue relevant to local school operations. Cloud based payroll portal for all employees and schools. Standardised MAT employment contracts. Full employee lifecycle support covering HR processes for: Attraction, Recruitment & On-boarding, Employment Rights, Change Management, Performance, Development, Progression, Retention & Exit. Volunteer support & honorary contracts to ensure successful use of volunteers in school
- One risk register system with individual school risk register to record risks and controls to guide local governing boards to be active on areas relevant to their school’s risk landscape.
- Online training offers for all staff on “skills for the job” training including: Safeguarding, GDPR, Health and Safety, Cyber-security & Online safety.
- MAT level policy suite covering standard areas of operation for all school settings – saving policy burden at school level including MAT wider Code of Conduct for all staff and volunteers.
- Cloud based finance ledger and processing services bespoke for each school as required to optimise your efficiency.
- Standardised forward budget planning software for all schools and shared ledger for financial transactions and reporting. Long term financial planning service alongside in-year financial support services. Finance reports for local and MAT level governance each month in line with good practise.
- Effective school budgetary control through delegated sign-offs and school level authorisations using electronic sign-off systems. School level ordering and requisitions supported with centralised invoice payment and income collection – automating where possible for ease of use.
- Central bank account management and investment services so that school reserves are invested well and school cashflows are optimised.
- Internal and External audit services provided at both MAT and School level.
- Lettings and premises hire software to maximise and automate income collection for all lettings/hire of premises for each school.
- Savings through shared purchasing/contracting as desired by schools – accessing economies of scale for all contracts that deliver best value and savings for MAT schools.
- Legal Services: access to high quality legal advice for schools through MAT legal services retainer.
- Risk Protection Arrangements via the national best value RPA scheme.
- Full Data Protection Officer and GDPR support service via the MAT level Senior Information Risk Officer (CFOO) and external expert DPO service. Cyber security accreditation assessment and bespoke action plan to maintain cyber resilience.
- School digital strategy service, technical support and field response service – keeping your school live, resilient and working always.
- Full capital planning and scheme delivery service for all capital schemes based on school level digital and estates strategy (developed for each school). Reserves strategy for each school to plan for and invest in the future at school level. Submission of all capital returns and land and building returns at MAT level.
- MIS expertise (SIMS and Scholar Pack) to ensure optimised use of these tools at school level.
- MAT level contracting (with economies of scale) for:
- Internal and External Audit
- Insurance/RPA
- Trades Union facilitated time
- Payroll & HR services
- Legal Services
- Data Protection Officer services
- Website hosting services
- Health and Safety External Support Service
- Energy supply contracting and renewals
- Operational contracts as desired e.g. Cleaning, catering etc
- Grounds Maintenance
- Facilities Services (Cleaning and Catering)
- Multi-Function Device (Printers) contracts
- Software licencing & best value digital device purchasing
- Energy
- Subscriptions
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