Last week delivered more fantastic learning at Fairfield Primary School...
In EYFS, Nursery visited the forest to complete lots of exciting activities linked to their learning. Meanwhile, Reception have been exploring halving using Numicon and working collaboratively to discover different ways of representing fractions. Our Reception pupils have also produced excellent instructional writing using 'first', 'next' and 'then' on how to make a wormery. Naturally, they followed their own instructions and made incredible wormeries!
In Key Stage 1, Year 1 have also been exploring fractions. First, they recapped halves before heading outdoors to chalk shapes and split them into quarters. In Computing, Year 1 have been amazed at how much their skills are improving and they are excited to be creating digital pictures. Forest School has also been very popular, with 1RE making fat balls, heading out bird watching and (of course) enjoying a hot chocolate around the camp fire with their friends. Last week also saw Year 1 exploring capacity in Maths and looking at animal classification and sorting animals into groups of: mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, birds and fish, in Science. Up in Year 2, Art has been very popular with children learning about watercolour techniques; they have used the ‘wet, dry, salt and gradation’ techniques to produce lovely work in their sketch books. In Music, Year 2 have started to learn how to play the recorder. We are very impressed with how quickly the children are learning the skill.
In Year 3, pupils have been exploring the human skeleton and organs as part of their Science learning. In English, Year 3 are thoroughly enjoying studying the Shakespearean play of Romeo and Juliet. They took to our outdoor stage to re-enact Act 3 Scene 1. Year 4 have enjoyed working collaboratively to compete in a Commonwealth Escape Room. In History, Year 4 have been learning about the Norman invasion and the importance of the Bayeux Tapestry to historians. The children were tasked with recreating scenes depicting some of the key events leading up to and including the Battle of Hastings from the tapestry. Computing was popular in Year 4 again last week as children had our data loggers out and about recording the light, sound and temperature readings, in different areas of the school.
Our wonderful Year 5 pupils enjoyed a Harry Potter themed Science morning at Cockermouth School on Thursday... the smiles say it all! Year 5 are learning lots of skills in their Cricket sessions this half-term with a specialist coach. Finally, our Year 6s have produced incredible Pop Art final pieces, which are displayed with pride in school. They are also thoroughly enjoying their Science topic of Evolution and Inheritance this half-term and have been studying Charles Darwin's theory.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in the morning for another wonderful week of learning.